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Happiness for the Holidays

“Heartland Alliance, one of the world’s leading anti-poverty organizations, works in communities in the U.S. and abroad to serve those who are homeless, living in poverty, or seeking safety. It provides a comprehensive array of services in the areas of health, housing, jobs and justice – and leads state and national policy efforts, which target lasting change for individuals and society.” – Heartland Alliance website

This year, Saggezza has partnered with Heartland Alliance for their Adopt-A-Family holiday campaign. We have “adopted” 12 people, a mix of individuals and families, who have shared their holiday wish lists. “The Chicago-based Saggezza team will come together to fulfill their wishlist, in turn, helping to bring a bit of cheer into their homes this holiday season,” states Rebecca Lipman, marketing specialist at Saggezza. The group of people Saggezza is supporting are members of the Freedom From Trafficking program. This program provides comprehensive services to foreign nationals who have been victims of trafficking.

Founded in Chicago, the Adopt-a-Family program extends to the Milwaukee area. In addition to the Adopt-A-Family program, Heartland Alliance also has a Stuff-A-Stocking program which “provides stockings stuffed with small, much needed items for youth and adults in our residential housing programs.” Both programs help “participants in Chicago and Milwaukee who struggle daily to make ends meet. Often, the individuals are celebrating the holidays alone and the families lack the means to provide something as basic as a holiday meal or a gift for the children. Many are immigrants or refugees experiencing their first holidays in the U.S. and/or those struggling with the effects of trauma and mental illness.”

Our gift wrapping party

“Saggezza is so excited to give back this holiday season, we are matching employee contributions up to $1000. We look forward to providing some holiday cheer and happiness to members of our communities,” Rebecca says.

To learn more about Heartland Alliance and their programs, please visit their website.

Saggezza is a proven technology and consulting partner that delivers personalized, high-value solutions to accelerate business growth.

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