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Book Review: Killing the Cost Center

Written by Saggezza, Killing the Cost Center: Removing Digital Debt and Scaling EBITDA Through Digital Transformation stresses the importance of transforming clients into true market leaders. Saggezza shares best practices on how to craft and execute transformational journeys that will help you kill your cost center

Saggezza was founded on the belief that there was a better way to transform businesses. This initiative began by building innovative roadmaps for our clients through analyzing their digital debt. For example, Sears failed to capitalize on their mature supply chain; they focused on driving more people to their existing retail channels and missed out on all of the cloud and e-commerce capabilities. In 2018, Sears was forced to file for bankruptcy and will continue to close stores nationwide until mid – 2020. 

As digital disruption continues to drastically impact and shape the market, companies have begun investing in roles like Chief Digital Officer (CDO) to lead their digital transformation. The issue is that even though 91% of executives believe their company is aligned on the importance of digital transformation, more than one in four executives do not feel their company is aligned on what success should look like.  

More importantly, over 35% of executives believe there is a tremendous “lack of clear strategy on transformation,” which is the key barrier for companies to truly achieve their digital potential.” 

Saggezza has found that leaders need to clearly specify and document “consistent objectives across an entire organization and be open to discussing failures or changes frequently.”  

“Killing a cost center is all about a monomaniacal focus on success, no matter what. It means breaking the status quo, and hunting for opportunities both inside and out [of the company].” As organizations continue to evolve, getting results requires calculating and defining the risk and being highly adaptable and flexible. Saggezza has shown that “this makes all the difference between ok results and amazing results.” 

Saggezza is a proven technology and consulting partner that delivers personalized, high-value solutions to accelerate business growth.

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